Season Greeting´s

Season´s Greetings!

Dear Clients, dear Business Partners and Friends,

the year 2024 is going to end soon and I believe it was another very challenging year for all of us. I thank you very much for our collaboration and am very glad that I could help you in word and deed during these fast-paced times. I wish you a healthy and pleasant end of year, happy & healthy holidays and a great start into a hopefully more convenient year 2025. I will be out of office from Dec 23rd, 2024 until January 5th, 2025 and will be available again for your requests as of January 6th, 2025. Please stay safe and healthy in the meantime.

Warmest regards & Happy Holidays!

Timucin Özbek


Arbeitsrecht Berlin Brexit

Brexit and its Effects on Employments in Germany and UK

Unfortunately the probability of a no-deal Brexit is more than high. And this would have direct impacts on British citizens living and working in Germany and their employers and vice versa.

A no-deal Brexit will legally transform the United Kingdom into a third-country. The EU freedom of residence and employment will end on March 29th, 2019. Therefore British citizens will require a residence and work permit in order to live and work in the EU (including Germany) and EU citizens require a work and stay permit for the UK.

Good new is that the German Government is planning a three months transition period after March 29th for this no-deal scenario. During this period it will be still legal for British citizens to live and work in Germany. They need to request a stay and work permit and have their residence registered in order to remain in Germany after the end of the transition period. Some (but not all) local foreigner authorities in Germany are already offering registration options.

EU Employers of British citizens need to consider this change and assure that their employees have valid stay and work permits as otherwise they must not be employed in EU (including Germany) or UK.

Basically the same applies for EU citizens (including Germans) which are already living and working in the United Kingdom. They may now request an unlimited stay permit according to the EU Settlement Scheme. All EU citizens planning to move to the UK after a no-deal Brexit require a visa and a work permit.

In case of an orderly Brexit the EU freedom of movement will stay effective for a transition period until December 31st, 2020. The draft of the Exit Agreement stipulates an extensive preservation of the freedom right for British citizens and their families which are already living in EU/Germany. Nevertheless the further continuance in Germany after December 31st, 2020 also requires approval by the German foreigners authority.

Please find further information here (Germany) and here (UK).

Season´s Greetings

Dear Clients,

I will start my Christmas vacation briefly and the office will be closed from December 20th, 2018 until and including January 1st, 2019. I sincerely thank you for your trust and wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. As of January 2nd, 2019 you may reach me as usual again and I will be more than happy to help you with all labour law related matters.

Warmest regards

Timucin Özbek


Limited English translation available

Currently I do provide limited English translations of selected Labor Law 360° News only. If you are interested in a full English version, please feel free to contact me and I may reconsider providing an English translation in the future. Many thanks!